Crossdressing gay men making love cartoon pictures

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Ratburn’s favorite), which was shown earlier in the episode with two toppers that resemble Mr. They smile at each other, and Patrick winks at Arthur in the crowd.

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Ratburn walks down the aisle arm in arm with Patrick, his partner. They try to set him up with a librarian, but it doesn’t work out. Ratburn might be marrying Patty, a woman they think is ill-suited for him. In the episode, the students start to play matchmaker when they suspect that Mr.

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“We believe it is important to represent the wide array of adults in the lives of children who look to PBS Kids every day.” “PBS Kids programs are designed to reflect the diversity of communities across the nation,” Maria Vera Whelan, the senior director of marketing, communications and social media for children’s media and education at PBS, said in a statement.

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